Chair Massage / Reflexology / Employee Appreciation
Fun Parties can be set up to the guest's design with many variations, themes, or an addition to any type of existing gathering.
Some examples may be, Boat parties, Baccalaureate Parties, Wedding Receptions, Birthdays, Graduations, Holidays, Office Parties, Spa Parties,...or just Healthy Clean Fun!
A adjustable massage chair is utilized that can accommodate different body types, but massage can also be done in a regular chair perhaps utilizing a table & a pillow to rest their head. A Reflexology Chair is utilized for the Feet Treatment, Hands can also be done without a special chair.
Treat the Feet the Body will Follow!
$30 apiece for a 15 min Chair Massage
& 15 min Reflexology Treatment.*
Please see Services & Rates pg. for more info.
Thanking you.
Hosts of The Chair Massage Parties are appreciated & receive a small gift.
An Appreciative Employee is a Great Employee!
Employee Chair Massages are designed to coincide
with employee's usual scheduled break times.
Benefits to employers to host or allow Chair Massages & Reflexology Treatments in their place of businesses are increased moral and job/employer satisfaction.
Studies have shown that employees actually have fatigue alleviated & return to work with increased mental clarity shown in improved job performance.
Massage Parties can also be a helper in providing business networking. Over all goodwill with many types of groups can be achieved.
Fund Raiser/Events can also be a helper in providing business networking. Over all goodwill with many types of groups can be achieved.
Please note: It's always great if recipients drink plenty of water for flushing out any toxins that may be massaged from their muscles during the massage process.
* [50 cent a mile trip fee if over a 10 miles, radius of Cobden, IL]